Parts Developers

Our company provides parts for different uses such as: parts for machines, pumps, pieces and parts in all types of alloys, among others.

Medical Industry

Our company provides parts for different dental mechanics and companies that manufacture their own prostheses for the entire human body in different alloys

Automotive industry

We specialize in the production of parts and devices that fulfill different functions within the assembly line.

Beer Industry

Our company produces the components that participate in the production process and the various spare parts found in the packaging and cooking line.

Cement and Construction Industry

We supply a variety of high quality parts, components and devices to large companies in the industry, making us a viable option for import substitution.

Pumps and Valves

We have extensive experience in this area, producing special alloys for specific applications that are adapted to the design, manufacture, assembly and operation of pumps under different fluids.

Oil and Petrochemical

Our company provides parts, devices and components for the exploration, extraction, processing and distribution of petroleum derivatives, as well as the processing of chemicals for the generation of derivative products.

Food industry

We work with food producing companies that develop their productive activities in areas such as: orange juices, oils, sweets, ground corn, chocolate, soft drinks, wines, among others.

Shipyards Industry

We work with the most prestigious shipyards in Argentina. Our clients in this area have highly qualified labor and produce for very competitive markets in different regions of the world, such as: Japan, United Kingdom, Greece, Holland, Uruguay, among others.

Parts Developers

Our company provides parts for different uses such as: parts for machines, pumps, pieces and parts in all types of alloys, among others.

Medical Industry

Our company provides parts for different dental mechanics and companies that manufacture their own prostheses for the entire human body in different alloys

Automotive industry

We specialize in the production of parts and devices that fulfill different functions within the assembly line.

Beer Industry

Our company produces the components that participate in the production process and the various spare parts found in the packaging and cooking line.

Cement and Construction Industry

We supply a variety of high quality parts, components and devices to large companies in the industry, making us a viable option for import substitution.

Pumps and Valves

We have extensive experience in this area, producing special alloys for specific applications that are adapted to the design, manufacture, assembly and operation of pumps under different fluids.

Oil and Petrochemical

Our company provides parts, devices and components for the exploration, extraction, processing and distribution of petroleum derivatives, as well as the processing of chemicals for the generation of derivative products.

Food industry

We work with food producing companies that develop their productive activities in areas such as: orange juices, oils, sweets, ground corn, chocolate, soft drinks, wines, among others.

Shipyards Industry

We work with the most prestigious shipyards in Argentina. Our clients in this area have highly qualified labor and produce for very competitive markets in different regions of the world, such as: Japan, United Kingdom, Greece, Holland, Uruguay, among others.


Argentine foundry, with more than 50 years of experience in the field, founded by Eng. Adolfo Koblecovsky with his sons.

The family tradition in the foundry dates back to 1972, when Eng. Adolfo Koblecovsky and his brothers, Raúl and Alfredo started in the city of Wilde, Avellaneda, dedicating their production at that time to the substitution of imports in the industries that required this. service. At the same time, the development of special alloys for parts of the different industries that required it began.

Currently the same spirit continues, producing for the local and international market.

Gradually, new clients and investments in new technologies and personnel training began to be developed, driven by mere business vision. The industry quickly established itself as a foundry with a high degree of commitment towards reverse engineering, product quality and the continuous development of our clients' needs and long-term growth projects, which led us to be widely recognized in the local and international market.

The company has ISO 9001: 2015 quality certification and the environmental management system is being designed to satisfy both the expectations of our clients and the consolidation of our strategic objectives at an international level.

The castings currently produced cover a vast range of products used across the spectrum of industries. The parts are manufactured according to the quality certification and that of our clients, with facilities for the manufacture of inverse engineering, models, molding, fusion, machining and QA of the pieces.

/ Work scheme

/ Processes

Shell molding

Shell molding

Pieces with a tooling of up to 1,000 x 1,000 mm. with the need for a very good surface finish and low need for machining.

Non-bake sand molding

Non-bake sand molding

Pieces of up to 6,000 Kg. With the need for a good surface finish and the need or not for machining with a maximum thin section of 1/10, a DIN 1,688-dimensional tolerance and capable of making any type of alloys.

Centrifugal Castings

Centrifugal Castings

Pieces up to 2,000 mm. long, generally used for seamless tubes, flanges, cones, among others that need a low amount of machining and good surface finishing.

Investment Casting

Investment Casting

Pieces up to 45 Kgs. With the need for an excellent surface finish and low need for machining, with a maximum thin section capable of being molded of 1/16 and a dimensional tolerance of 0.1 mm.

/ Infrastructure

/ Alloys


/ Alloys

Grey and Nodular Alloys

Grey and Nodular Alloys

Carbon Steels

Carbon Steels

Base Fe, Cr, Ni, Co Alloys

Base Fe, Cr, Ni, Co Alloys

Refractory Steels

Refractory Steels

Steels Base Mn, Cr and Anti-Wear

Steels Base Mn, Cr and Anti-Wear

Special Stainless Steels

Special Stainless Steels

Duplex Steels

Duplex Steels

/ 3D Engineering

At ACEROS CORONA we make models for casting in wood, polystyrene, resin, plastics and metals that are perfectly adapted to the needs of our customers.

3D Scanning

The extensive experience in the sector and the qualified team that we have, endows us with a know-how that allows us to advise our clients in deciding the type of model that best suits their manufacturing process.

Maximum detail on small parts and high precision on large objects
3D Scanning
3D scanning, digitization and reverse engineering service.
With ACEROS CORONA you will obtain the most accurate scanned files of both large and small parts in 3D, whether technical or artistic, thanks to the best 3D scanning technology. Everything in the file format you need.

We offer the scanning service to companies, professionals and individuals who require a fast, professional service at an affordable price.
3D printing is a new form of manufacturing that expands the limits of small and large-scale part production.
3D Print
What is 3D printing?
3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates a physical object from a digital design. There are different technologies and materials that you can 3D print with, but they are all based on the same principle: a digital model is turned into a solid, three-dimensional physical object by adding material layer by layer.
Finite element analysis
Finite Element Analysis Software
Finite element analysis is a computerized method of predicting how a product will react to real-world forces, vibration, heat, fluid flow, and other physical effects. Finite element simulation allows you to see if a product will break, wear, or perform as expected. It's called analytics, but in the product development process, it's used to predict what will happen when a product is used.



Godoy Cruz 1984 - B1766BSJ
La Tablada - Partido de la Matanza - Provincia de Buenos Aires - Argentina


Ombú 5817 - B1766EGG
La Tablada - Partido de la Matanza - Provincia de Buenos Aires - Argentina

+54 (011) 4699 - 7003

/ Location

Find us here

Godoy Cruz 1984, La Tablada
Ombú 5817, La Tablada
Aceros Corona
Godoy Cruz 1984 - B1766BSJ - La Tablada - Partido de la Matanza - Bs. As. - Argentina
Ombú 5817 - B1766EGG - La Tablada - Partido de la Matanza - Bs. As. - Argentina
+54 11 4699 - 7003


Godoy Cruz 1984 - B1766BSJ
La Tablada - Partido de la Matanza - Provincia de Buenos Aires - Argentina


Ombú 5817 - B1766EGG
La Tablada - Partido de la Matanza - Provincia de Buenos Aires - Argentina

+54 (011) 4699 - 7003